Sunday, September 20, 2009

Inspiration: A Gut Feeling

I’ve been waiting for inspiration – for that moment, that ideal and perfect day that would rid me of my literary bonds, free my mind of its crippling writers block, and cast out the rust and dust that coated my imaginative storytelling abilities. I knew it would happen – this is Cambodia! A country bursting with development and color, haunted by ghosts of the past and demons of the future alike. This is a place with stories on every corner, rummaging through every gutter, and sitting on every throne. And – finally! – it happened. Inspiration! And on my birthday none the less! And what, you ask was this magical event that finally and irrevocably pulled the words from my traveling soul? Amoebas. Yep – amoebas. And no, amoeba is not a Khmer word for a form of enlightenment or a type of meditation. It isn’t a place either. It’s exactly what it is – a fancy medical term for telling you that you have worms. In your stomach. That you are a host to a tidy little party of parasites who have set up camp in your body and are living it up!

(Before I continue, rest assured that I’m fine. Other than a bothersome need to remain in the immediate vicinity of a restroom and having to take a rather massive amount of medicines, I’m perfectly healthy. There is very little discomfort and no lasting damages. So all things considered – malaria and dengue fever being the main things to consider – this is actually a good prognosis.)

Now I know you are wondering how a belly fully of creepy crawlies gives a person inspiration. Well, maybe inspiration is a bit ambitious. What actually happened was that this little ‘bump on the third world country road’ stole many of my little everyday joys leaving me with the need for a new form of expression and enjoyment. Let me explain – life in a country without college football, epic surf session, good wine and Mexican food or nights spent with my friends and family leaves you relying on a few vital and much needed enjoyments. Cold beers at sunset in your apartment for example. Or a nice run or workout session. Or really great, really spicy local foods. So you can imagine my immense disappointment and shock when I was informed that I cannot under any circumstances drink a beer for 20 days, go running for at least a week, or have spicy food until this ‘issue’ clears up. Doesn’t leave me with much really…

Nothing but a blank page and a perfect reason to get this blog up and running. So this is it! The official beginning to the Phnom Penh Chronicles...

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you might benefit from a costco-sized bottle of kaopectate ;>D

    take care!
