Thursday, October 8, 2009

Between Bland and Boring...

I keep re-reading my blog and coming to the same conclusion. It’s boring. More realistically – I keep reading the blogs of other wayfaring strangers and finding myself coveting their dry sense of humor, their witty tales of traveling woes, and their endless stream of laughable observations. And then I come to the conclusion that my blog needs to be logged somewhere between the likenesses of reading a case study for a management course and trudging through the instruction book that came with your old VCR. I’m mildly intimidated while you must be irrevocably challenged to just get through the next entry…

So today I offer you an excuse for my current, bland literary prose. I’m sending you the website for CEDAC. If you can drag yourself away from that VCR manual for a few seconds, click on any of the articles on this page and read a few riveting sentences.

These are the articles I help to edit all day, every day (in between my work on equally riveting annual reports and activity summaries of course). Now tell me what is more unfortunate – that my days are filled with these tasks or that I love every second of it. See to me, this is riveting reading material. These are amazing articles. This is the real deal. So I’m sorry – If you are looking for satirical humor and dazzling accounts of new and unique places, check out these blogs:

But I hope you’ll stick it out with me as well – there is much to learn and see and I’ve never backed down from telling a story.

In other news – my road is still flooded (or as Molly would say, my moat is still full), my amoebas have been defeated (or are at least at bay), and I’m back to my beer drinking, long distant running, spicy food eating self. I hear the weather is turning cooler back home – I’m waiting for the ‘cool’ months here (though I think they are lot like the tooth fairy – more fairytale than truth.).

Also – for those of you with a gmail, aol, or yahoo account – you can click on the “Follow” link on the left side of this page and you can sign up to receive updates when I post a new blog (therefore ending that constant worry that you have missed yet another “can’t take my eyes off my computer” blog entry from yours truly…).

Love from the Road


  1. blog = web + log (or diary?)

    So I say- keep on writing. I enjoy hearing what's going on in your part of the world- even if its only about flooded roadways or wayward amoebas.

    Besides, if I wanted satire and humor, I'd just go buy a Carl Hiaasen book or read Rick Reilly's latest column on ESPN.

    I know it's a lot of work to write. And there's that thing that you call writer's block. (I call it too much beer.) But the adventure and wit will come- just not at the pace with which you would prefer. Keep up the good work!

    Take care!


  2. Charlsea,
    Don't stop writing or don't get discouraged about it. I love it. I love hearing what you are doing and learning more about it. I would know nothing about your work, nor be able to keep up with you without it. It still amazes me that my little great neice who used to love to come to the Jamborees with her grandparents and would come up to me everytime and say, "I bet you don't even know who I am", is all grown up and doing such interesting things with her life. You keep up the great work and writing and I (and many others) will keep the prayers going for you.
    Love you,
    Aunt Carolyn
